Saturday, February 25, 2012

Baby Steps

The journey towards China is a little overwhelming at times so I am trusting God and focusing in on the little baby steps along the way. There have been several small steps in the right direction since last time I wrote that I'd like to praise God for.
  • My passport has officially arrived! I knew it would arrive long before China but I feel a lot better having it in my possession.  
  • I just sent out my second group of support letters today with some help from my mom. Hayes tried to help too by running away with the roll of stamps and the ink pen. ;-) I now have over 50 letters out. 
  • My support team is shaping up nicely. Many people have talked to me about supporting me in prayers and financially.  My support level is at $550 right now. I mailed out the checks to Community Bible Church today. 
  • As friends and family have learned about the China trip many people have been giving me resources or ideas of how to learn more about China before I go. I now have a book, some webpages, and some speech articulation resources to look at.
I am excited about how God has already started to answer prayers about the trip and to see everything he has in store.

Prayer Requests:
  • Continual prayer as letters arrive and I contact people about joining my support team.
  • For the formation of our team. We are hoping to take close to 100 people from churches in: Florida, Texas, South Carolina, California and Indiana (me). When I think about the number of people we are taking and the support teams behind us it is amazing to think about how many people are already praying for this trip even now.
  • My support should be at $825 by March 11th. It is more than half way there. These check-ins are important to reach so that preparations can be made ahead of time. I am hoping to get some old text books and other random items on E-Bay to also help with support goals.
  • Start praying even now that we will be able to get our airline tickets for a reasonable price. We are hoping to get our tickets after our April 22nd check-in point. Hopefully this will before gas prices take the rise that is expected!   
In Christ,

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The Beginning

My first group of letters have gone out asking people to join my support team. I am doing them in groups of 25ish so I can keep up with contacting people after. If you haven't heard from me soon and are interested in hearing more about the trip and/or how you can join my support team please send me an e-mail or start following me here.

Preparing the letters was kind of exciting. I know the first real step was acknowledging that I felt led to go but this feels like the first big step towards going. I was e-mailed photos from past trips to include in my letter. I've been trying to imagine what it will be like. These photos helped me not only get an idea of what will be doing. They were also a great reminder of the individual lives we will get to touch for God while we are working at the English and character camps.

I am including some details on the side about my the dates I need to reach certain support levels by. Very soon I will also just keep an update on where I am with my support at the bottom of my blog and on the right hand side of the screen. These changes, along with a change in the font, were based on some suggestions from my first few phone calls. If there is other information you would really like to see on here let me know and I will see what I can do. 

  • My support team letter is finished, well at least this round is. It has been a while since I wrote one and I needed a lot of help but it feels good to know it is ready. I am sure it will get tweaked before each round of letters but it is good to have a base.
  • My passport renewal application has reached Philadelphia and my check was cashed so I am expecting my new passport soon. Complete with my new no smiling picture. I hope other countries have the same requirement so we aren't the only ones that look so angry!
  • The list from my previous blog is still very much on my mind: my passport, support, time management, and finding resources to help me learn more about China (I am planning on asking my EL director tomorrow about feedback on resources).
  • With my first group of letters going out pray God helps guide those I sent letters to already if they should join my support team. 
In Christ, 

Monday, February 6, 2012

Decision to Go

First let me say this is my first time blogging so be patient. I will try to share often so that my support team knows what to pray for and can stay up to date. Our support teams are a crucial members of this trip, without all of you this trip to China would not be possible.

Some decisions are hard ones to make and others just feel like your being lead right to them. My parents came back from a visit to Ohio and my dad told me my Uncle Mike DeGuzman mentioned me going to China for a mission's trip this summer. My uncle and his family have had the opportunity to serve God on mission trips all over the world: Ukraine, South Africa and China. My dad and I talked about what the China trip consisted of briefly and I didn't think too much more about it the rest of the day. The days that followed though I prayed about it a great deal before my uncle and I even talked about it. It just seemed like something I couldn't quit thinking about.

I love teaching. I love seeing the spark in students' eyes when they get it. I love helping them make impossible tasks possible. I work where I do because I also like being able to work with a group of students that I feel I can be used by God to make a difference in their lives by being a positive and uplifting influence. China combines these passions and I can't wait to see how God can use my teaching skills to glorify him. I am so excited about getting to use my passion for teaching to serve God. 

I also love traveling. I love to see new places, experience new cultures, and just expand my horizons. Missions trips seem to be one of the most influential ways to experience a country. On these trips you don't just see the country; you get a glimpse of what life is like there for everyday people.It not only alters the way you pray and view that country in the future but it also changes the way you view your own life. Often our own problems seem so big. It is easy to forget, especially when we are going through tough times, how truly blessed we are to live in the United States and how good we have it here.  I know there are many lessons that I learned on previous trips to Mexico that greatly influence my spiritual life and the way I view life in general.

A few weeks ago my uncle and I talked about China and everything he said just made me feel even more led to go on this trip. The finances were one part that had me a little nervous. I had been praying about that part of the trip quite a bit. A few days later I got an e-mail for $2 off a passport photo. I needed to renew my passport and just found it a little more than coincidental that I actually opened this drugstore e-mail and that of all things there was a coupon for passport photos. On January 28th I was on my way to mail my passport application when I accidentally called my Aunt Sherry DeGuzman instead. I mention to her my fears about the finances. It turned out my uncle was having a meeting that night about just that. So later that day I was able to attend the first team meeting for CBC Ocala, FL via Skype. I officially decided the next day to take a leap of faith, follow God and signed up to join the team. 

I am really excited about this opportunity. There are several prayer requests that I have right now as I prepare to go. Here are some things I could use some prayer for:
  • My passport arriving safely. I know it arrived in Philadelphia on the 31st and should be getting processed now. 
  • That God will provide the support needed for each deadline.
  • That I will be able to find resources and professional development material that will help me better understand the obstacles Chinese students have in learning English and learn more about their culture. The curriculum is going to be provided for me. However, I know the key to quality teaching is understanding the group you are working with. 
  • Time management. The busy season is just starting at work. I know this trip will require lots of preparation and devotion so just prayers that I will be able to find balance in my life is important. 
Thanks for your prayers and support.

~ Melissa

PS- Here is a song that has me kind of inspired this week. From time to time maybe I will share more of these. Song Inspiration- Mark Schultz Let's Go