Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Mountain of Boxes

Sometimes I have wonderful plans that I don't quite think all the way through. An example: my mountain of boxes. My mother let me have some old text books and other random items, including my 2 of my old lunch boxes (to protect the innocent, me, I won't tell you what's on those boxes) to sell on Ebay. All of the profit I make is going towards China. I also have some random books and old computer stuff that I am going to sell. In my mind this was going to be a quick task and very easy. I didn't account for the fact that I need to photograph, describe, weigh and pack each item. After realizing this wasn't going to get done if I had to go to Warsaw I decided to bring things home. I thought then it would be much faster and I created my mini mountain. I'm about halfway through the mountain of boxes. It may not look too big but many boxes have around 5 books in them. Hayes has had great fun playing in the packing supplies and trying to sneak into shots of items. I am hoping to have everything ready to be put online this weekend. Though I may not actually put them up till after spring break. I have had a great amount of experience buying from Ebay but this will be my first time selling so I hope it goes well! 

Support is coming along great! My dad's childhood church, Ebenezer, joined my support team and several other amazing friends have as well. My support level is now at 71% or $2350. This puts me very close to the May check-in level. It feels so great to say that I am less than $1,000 away from my needed support level. God has been so faithful and amazing through out this whole experience. I can't believe how fast it is approaching. In less than 4 months I will be in Beijing teaching English to help Glorify God! 

  • My support level is at 71%  
  • The way God is providing an amazing support team and guiding me to the people He wants on it
  • The beautiful weather (I know it isn't about China but it is so much easier to be motivated to get things done when it is so beautiful out!)
Prayer Requests
  • That my support team will continue to grow and the last $1,000 will come in 
  • Endurance as I finish up the school year and also begin to prepare for China
  • That God will help not only me but our whole team be prepared for this amazing opportunity
  • That I will conquer my Ebay box mountain and they will sell. 
  • My Uncle Mike is headed to China tomorrow to lay the ground work for our trip.
Thanks for your prayers and support!

Sunday, March 4, 2012


When this journey started the idea of raising $3,300 was completely overwhelming. My uncle and cousins were all encouraging about this and they told me to just trust God and take a leap of faith. This leap has been an amazing journey already. My first post was over a month ago and I have been amazed how much God has provided in that time.

I have 2/3 of my support letters out now. I have contacted a good amount of these people in person or through e-mails or phone calls. Many of them have joined my team, some have already sent financial support, and others have promised future support. The church I attend, Syracuse Church of God, also joined my support team and is excited to find other ways they can help. This brings my support level up to $1670. This not only meets my March 11th support goal but also the April 22nd. I feel so blessed to already have over half of the support in and to have a great start to such a strong support team.

As I have shared with others about China I have been given the names of other people that have lived there or work with teaching Chinese ESL students in the states. I am hoping to talk to some of these people in the coming weeks to get some advice.

  • My church's support and desire to help in any way they can.
  • My support level is at 50%  
  • I have already felt an incredible amount of support from my support team. Keep praying!
  • The people and resources that my support team are already directing me to.
Prayer Requests
  • That my support team will continue to grow. 
  • Gas prices- as these prices go up our airline prices and transportation costs while we are there will also rise.  
Thanks for your prayers and support!

Overview- My Support Letter

I have had a few people contact me about wanting to join my support team from Facebook. I thought it would be helpful if I put my most recent copy of my support level on here.

March 4, 2012
Dear Friends and Family,

            I hope your year is starting off well. I am halfway through my 8th year teaching. It doesn’t seem quite possible. I am writing to you today to tell you about an amazing teaching opportunity I have been presented with for the summer.  I have been invited along with nearly 100 people by English Encounter International to participate in a Vacation Language and Character School in Beijing, China. This will be their fifth year in China and the ministry continues to grow. The team will be comprised of teens and adults from evangelical churches all over the United States.

            The English and character camps were started by Community Bible Church in Beaufort, SC shortly after the fall of communism in Ukraine. The ministry advanced to rural villages in South Africa in 2005, and then to China in 2007. In addition to these camps Community Bible Church has lead parenting and marriage seminars and provided pastoral support. These camps have been very successful in the Ukraine and have lead to the creation of Christian Orphanage and a Bible college in Vinnista to best meet the needs of all the new believers.

            While in China we will be running camps to teach English. The Bible will be the base of our curriculum. The camps will include a time of crafts, exercise and learning English. My job while there will be to teach English to our students. Education is very important to the Chinese. Therefore, it is important to the success of our camp that our students learn English successfully. The Chinese do a great job teaching grammar and English rules but have little to no opportunity to learn from or converse with native English speakers.

I am excited God can use my love of teaching English as a ministry to people that may never hear about Him otherwise. I have been on a few missions trips to work with kids in inner-city Chicago and have been to Mexico twice. I have learned a great deal from every trip and grown so much in my walk with the Lord from these trips.  When I went to Mexico I had already had years of Spanish classes to help me. This will be the first time I will be somewhere that I can’t rely on what I have learned to help me. I will just have to trust God.

I am in the process right now of building a support team. I would like for you to pray about joining this support team. The first way you can be part of this team is by praying for the team and me. Prayer as we prepare for the trip and while we are in China is crucial. I am also in need of people that would like to join with financial support. This trip is going to be $3,300. I need to be at $2475 by May 20th. All money needs to be in by July 1st. My current support level is at $1670. I am encouraged how the financial and prayer support is coming together to create an amazing support team.

Should you feel compelled to give towards this project please make checks out to Community Bible Church. This is the most I have ever had to raise for a missions trip; but, I believe God is calling me to go on this trip so I am going to take this leap of faith. I am praying with my summer school work funds, support and some other creative ideas to raise money that funding will not be an issue. If you know of anyone that really has a heart for China please feel free to share this information with them as well. You may also follow my blog at I will be contacting you to follow up in about a week and to answer any questions you may have. Thanks again for your time and your prayerful consideration.  

In Christ,
            Melissa Cripe